Vietnam Mobile Gaming Market Report by Type (Action or Adventure, Casino, Sports and Role Playing, Strategy and Brain), Device Type (Smartphone, Smartwatch, PDA, Tablet, and Others), Platform (Android, iOS, and Others), Business Model (Freemium, Paid, Free, Paymium), and Region 2024-2032

Vietnam Mobile Gaming Market Report by Type (Action or Adventure, Casino, Sports and Role Playing, Strategy and Brain), Device Type (Smartphone, Smartwatch, PDA, Tablet, and Others), Platform (Android, iOS, and Others), Business Model (Freemium, Paid, Free, Paymium), and Region 2024-2032

Report Format: PDF+Excel | Report ID: SR112024A19504
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Vietnam Mobile Gaming Market Size:

Vietnam mobile gaming market size is projected to exhibit a growth rate (CAGR) of 7.75% during 2024-2032. The market is experiencing a significant growth mainly driven by the widespread adoption of smartphones and affordable data plans. Popular genres like hyper casual and competitive gaming dominates the market further supported by localized content and strategic partnerships with influencers. Technological advancements and tech-savvy demographic, create a positive outlook for the market growth.

Report Attribute
Key Statistics
Base Year
Forecast Years
Historical Years
Market Growth Rate (2024-2032) 7.75%

Vietnam Mobile Gaming Market Analysis:

  • Major Market Drivers: Key market players include the rise in smartphone adoption in Vietnam mainly among the younger demographics along with the affordability of data plans which further facilitates the widespread Internet access. The popularity of competitive gaming and e-sports tournament for gaming like PUBG MOBILE and Free Fire also drives the engagement. Localization of content in Vietnamese language and culturally relevant themes further enhances the market penetration. Technological advancements in mobile devices like improved graphics and faster processors further enhance the gaming experiences which in turn attracts more players. Strategic partnerships between developers and local influencers or celebrities also helps in promoting games and expanding their user base in Vietnam’s dynamic gaming landscape, which in turn propels the Vietnam’s mobile gaming market growth.
  • Key Market Trends: Key market trends include the rise of hyper casual games mainly due to their simplicity and accessibility appealing to a broader range of audience. There is also a growing interest in competitive gaming and esports mainly driven by tournaments and events for popular titles like PUBG mobile and free fire. In line with this, monetization strategy is such as in app purchases and advertisements continues to evolve further adapting to local preferences and consumer behaviors. Technological advancements in mobile devices including better graphics and fast processors enhanced gaming experiences. Furthermore, then influence of social media and gaming influencers in prompting games and engaging community to remains significant thereby propelling the Vietnam’s mobile gaming market growth.
  • Competitive Landscape: Key players in the market are focusing on several strategies to capitalize on rising demand. They are actively developing and localizing games to cater to Vietnamese preferences and cultural nuances. Strategic partnerships with local influencers and celebrities help in promoting games effectively. Moreover, these companies are investing in e-sports tournaments and competitive gaming events to foster community engagement and attract a larger audience. Continuous innovation in game development, including improvements in graphics and gameplay mechanics, is another key focus to maintain player interest and competitiveness in this rapidly evolving market landscape.
  • Challenges and Opportunities: The market faces various challenges which includes navigating regulatory environments which can impact content approval and monetization strategies. Markets saturation and intense competition also pose significant challenges for new immigrants and smaller developers. Furthermore, cultural preferences and localization efforts are important for success in diverse and rapidly evolving market. However, there are significant opportunities as well. The expanding smartphone user base along with the rising Internet penetration and affordability presents significant market growth opportunity. Esports and competitive gaming are burgeoning, opening up new for revenue through sponsorships and tournaments. Innovations in technology and evolving consumer behaviors provide opportunities for developers to innovate and capture market share in Vietnam's vibrant mobile gaming sector.

Vietnam Mobile Gaming Market Trends:

Rising Smartphone Penetration and Affordable Data Plans

The gradual growth in Vietnam’s mobile gaming sector is generally fueled by two primary factors which includes rising smartphone penetration and affordable data plans. Vietnam is making strides and promoting smartphone usage aiming for 100% penetration by the end of 2024. With 4G coverage at 99.8% and a smartphone penetration exceeding 84% the country's information and communication infrastructure is surpassing the global standards. Nowadays as more Vietnamese consumers gain access to smartphones mainly budget friendly models, they are embracing mobile gaming as a convenient and entertaining pastime. Simultaneously, the availability of affordable data plans lowers the barriers to entry, which encourages greater engagement with online multiplayer games and social gaming experiences. This trend not only expands the gaming audience but also drives demand for diverse gaming content, creating a fertile ground for developers and publishers to innovate and thrive in Vietnam's dynamic digital entertainment landscape.

Technological Advancements

Advancements in mobile technology in Vietnam, such as improved graphics, faster processors, and enhanced connectivity, are revolutionizing the gaming experience. Higher-resolution displays and more powerful processors allow for visually stunning games with smoother gameplay. Improved connectivity, including widespread 4G coverage and the expansion of 5G networks, ensures low-latency gaming experiences, critical for competitive and real-time multiplayer games. For instance, Vietnam's Master Plan for digital infrastructure prioritizes the establishment of high-speed internet and broadband communication infrastructure to bridge the digital divide. It includes investments in international telecommunications cable lines, a transition to IPv6 technology by 2025, and the development of green data centers. The plan also aims to establish 12-14 IT parks by 2025 and increase this number to 16-20 by 2030, focusing on high-value IT products and services. These technological enhancements not only attract more players but also enable developers to create more immersive and complex gaming experiences. As technology continues to evolve, Vietnam's mobile gaming market is poised to grow further, driven by the increasing accessibility and quality of mobile gaming content.

Rise in E-Sports and Competitive Gaming

In Vietnam, the popularity of e-sports and competitive gaming is on the rise, driven by a growing community of enthusiasts and the success of tournaments featuring popular mobile titles such as PUBG Mobile, Free Fire, and Mobile Legends. For instance, Vietnamese PUBG Mobile Viet Nam team competes in the Global Esports Games 2023 in Riyadh from December 14-15. The games feature DOTA 2, Efootball, PUBG Mobile, and Streetfighter VI, with over 300 athletes from 55 countries. Vietnamese team previously won a gold medal in PUBG Mobile. VRESA Secretary General is optimistic about their performance. These games attract large audiences and participation due to their competitive nature and the opportunities they offer for skill development and recognition. E-sports events in Vietnam are increasingly professionalized, with organized leagues, sponsorships, and substantial prize pools, fostering a competitive ecosystem that appeals to both players and viewers alike. This trend underscores the significant role mobile gaming now plays in Vietnam's broader gaming and entertainment culture.

Vietnam Mobile Gaming Market Segmentation:

IMARC Group provides an analysis of the key trends in each segment of the market, along with forecasts at the country and regional levels for 2024-2032. Our report has categorized the market based on type, device type, platform, and business model.

Breakup by Type:

Vietnam Mobile Gaming Market Report

  • Action or Adventure
  • Casino
  • Sports and Role Playing
  • Strategy and Brain

The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the type. This includes action or adventure, casino, sports and role playing, and strategy and brain.

Adventure games in Vietnam's mobile gaming market thrive on immersive storytelling and exploration, appealing to players seeking narrative-driven experiences. These games often blend puzzles, quests, and character development, leveraging Vietnam's growing interest in rich, interactive narratives and fantasy worlds.

Casino games capitalize on Vietnam's enthusiasm for gaming and entertainment, offering virtual gambling experiences like slots and card games. Despite regulatory challenges, these games attract a broad audience looking for casual gaming experiences and the thrill of chance.

Sports and role-playing games in Vietnam blend competitive gameplay with narrative depth, appealing to gamers interested in team dynamics, strategy, and character development. Popular titles like FIFA Mobile and RPGs like Genshin Impact cater to diverse player preferences, driving engagement and community interaction.

Strategy and brain games challenge players' tactical thinking and problem-solving skills, attracting a dedicated audience in Vietnam. These games often involve resource management, tactical planning, and complex decision-making, catering to gamers looking for intellectually stimulating gameplay experiences.

Breakup by Device Type:

  • Smartphone
  • Smartwatch
  • PDA
  • Tablet
  • Others

A detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the device type have also been provided in the report. This includes smartphone, smartwatch, PDA, tablet, and others.

In Vietnam's mobile gaming market due to the increasing availability of budget-friendly models with advanced features, coupled with affordable data plans, has made smartphones accessible to a broad demographic. Games are optimized for touch controls and screen sizes, providing an immersive experience. Popular genres include action, adventure, and casual games, which are frequently updated to keep players engaged. The integration of social media and multiplayer features further enhances the gaming experience, making smartphones the most popular platform for mobile gaming in Vietnam.

The smartwatch segment in Vietnam's mobile gaming market is emerging, offering unique gaming experiences through short, casual games designed for quick interactions. While still a niche market, smartwatches appeal to tech-savvy consumers who seek convenience and connectivity on their wrist. These devices are ideal for simple, time-killing games such as puzzles and fitness-related challenges that leverage smartwatch sensors. The growth of this segment is driven by increasing smartwatch adoption and technological advancements, but it remains secondary to smartphones and tablets due to the limited screen size and functionality.

Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) have a minimal presence in Vietnam's mobile gaming market, overshadowed by the widespread use of smartphones and tablets. However, some niche markets and professional users still utilize PDAs for specific applications, including certain types of strategy and simulation games that benefit from stylus input and precise control. The limited adoption of PDAs is due to their specialized nature and the rapid technological advancements in other mobile devices. Consequently, PDAs are not a significant driver of growth in the mobile gaming sector, but they maintain a small, dedicated user base.

Tablets play a significant role in Vietnam's mobile gaming market, offering a larger screen and enhanced graphics capabilities compared to smartphones. They provide an immersive gaming experience ideal for genres such as role-playing, strategy, and simulation games, which benefit from the additional screen real estate and processing power. Tablets are popular among both casual and hardcore gamers, appealing to those who prefer detailed visuals and more complex gameplay. The versatility and portability of tablets make them a favored device for gaming at home and on the go, contributing to their strong presence in the market.

Breakup by Platform:

  • Android
  • iOS
  • Others

The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the platform. This includes android, iOS and others.

Android dominates Vietnam's mobile gaming market as the preferred platform due to its wide availability across various smartphone brands and price ranges. The open-source nature of Android allows for diverse game development and distribution, catering to a broad audience. Popular gaming genres on Android include casual, action, and multiplayer games, supported by robust app ecosystems like Google Play. Developers benefit from lower barriers to entry and extensive customization options, driving the platform's dominance in Vietnam.

iOS holds a significant share in Vietnam's mobile gaming market, favored for its high-quality user experience, security features, and dedicated gaming ecosystem through the App Store. iOS devices appeal to users seeking premium gaming experiences and are popular among gamers willing to spend on in-app purchases and subscriptions. The platform supports a wide range of genres, including strategy, adventure, and puzzle games, often optimized for Apple's hardware capabilities, enhancing gameplay performance and graphics quality.

Breakup by Business Model:

  • Freemium
  • Paid
  • Free
  • Paymium

A detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on the business model have also been provided in the report. This includes freemium, paid, free, and paymium.

The freemium model is prevalent in Vietnam's mobile gaming market, offering games for free while monetizing through in-app purchases and ads. Players can access basic gameplay without cost, but additional features, virtual goods, and premium content require payment. This model attracts a large user base, maximizing engagement and revenue potential. Popular genres using freemium include casual, strategy, and multiplayer games, which thrive on ongoing player investment and community interaction.

The paid model in Vietnam's mobile gaming market involves players purchasing games upfront. This model appeals to users seeking ad-free experiences and complete access to all game features from the start. While less common than freemium, paid games often attract a dedicated audience willing to invest in high-quality content and unique gameplay experiences. Popular genres for paid games include adventure, role-playing, and simulation, which provide immersive and extensive content justifying the initial purchase.

Free games, entirely without cost, attract a broad audience in Vietnam's mobile gaming market. Revenue for these games typically comes from ads, with developers monetizing through high download volumes and ad impressions. This model is popular for casual and hyper-casual games that are easy to pick up and play, appealing to a wide demographic. While free games offer no direct revenue from players, they rely on maximizing user engagement and ad partnerships for profitability.

The paymium model combines elements of paid and freemium, requiring an upfront purchase while also offering in-app purchases for additional content or features. This hybrid approach appeals to players willing to pay for a high-quality base game and enhances their experience with optional premium content. Paymium games in Vietnam cater to users seeking comprehensive and enhanced gaming experiences. Popular genres include strategy, role-playing, and adventure games, where ongoing content updates and expansions justify the initial and additional expenditures.

Breakup by Region:

Vietnam Mobile Gaming Market Report

  • Northern Vietnam
  • Central Vietnam
  • Southern Vietnam

The report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of all the major markets in the region, which include Northern Vietnam, Central Vietnam, and Southern Vietnam.

In Northern Vietnam, the mobile gaming market is driven by a tech-savvy population centered around Hanoi, the capital city. The region benefits from strong internet infrastructure and a growing middle class, contributing to high smartphone adoption rates. Popular gaming genres include action, strategy, and e-sports, with many players actively participating in competitive gaming communities. Local developers are increasingly tailoring content to suit regional preferences, enhancing engagement and market growth in this vibrant area.

Central Vietnam's mobile gaming market is characterized by steady growth, supported by improving digital infrastructure and rising smartphone penetration. Cities like Da Nang are becoming technology hubs, attracting young professionals and students who are avid gamers. The market here favors casual and hyper-casual games, appealing to a diverse demographic. Efforts to localize content and incorporate regional cultural elements are helping developers capture the interest of players in this region, driving further expansion and engagement.

Southern Vietnam, particularly Ho Chi Minh City, is a major hub for the mobile gaming market, driven by its large, young, and tech-savvy population. The region's economic prosperity and high internet penetration rates foster a robust gaming culture. Popular genres include RPGs, e-sports, and multiplayer games, with many players participating in local and international tournaments. Southern Vietnam also hosts numerous tech and gaming events, fostering a dynamic environment for developers and gamers alike, contributing significantly to the market's growth.

Competitive Landscape:

  • The market research report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of the competitive landscape in the market. Detailed profiles of all major companies have been provided. 
  • Vietnam's mobile gaming market features a competitive landscape with a mix of local and international players vying for dominance. Leading global companies compete alongside local developers which cater to regional preferences with culturally relevant content. The market is characterized by frequent game updates, strategic partnerships with local influencers, and aggressive marketing campaigns. Companies invest in localization, innovative monetization strategies, and community engagement through e-sports events and social media to capture and retain a loyal user base in this rapidly growing market.

Vietnam Mobile Gaming Market Recent News:

  • In May 2024, ST Telemedia Global Data Centres announced a joint venture with VNG Corporation to develop and operate data centers in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. This includes the continuation of operations at STT VNG Ho Chi Minh City 1 and the upcoming STT VNG Ho Chi Minh City 2. The partnership aims to set new international data center standards, supporting Vietnam's digital transformation amidst the country's forecasted 20% digital economic growth by 2025.
  • In May 2023, Amanotes and TheFatRat united to release the dynamic track "HUNGER" across popular music games, with all proceeds dedicated to supporting children in Manila through the Purple Community Fund. The heart-pounding beats of "HUNGER" were synchronized in top-charting games like Magic Tiles 3, Tiles Hop, and Dancing Road. This collaboration reflects Amanotes and TheFatRat's commitment to delivering exceptional interactive music experiences while making a positive impact on society.

Vietnam Mobile Gaming Market Report Scope:

Report Features Details
Base Year of the Analysis 2023
 Historical Period 2018-2023
Forecast Period 2024-2032
Units US$ Million
Scope of the Report Exploration of Historical Trends and Market Outlook, Industry Catalysts and Challenges, Segment-Wise Historical and Future Market Assessment: 
  • Type
  • Device Type
  • Platform
  • Business Model
  • Region
Types Covered Action or Adventure, Casino, Sports and Role Playing, Strategy and Brain
Device Types Covered Smartphone, Smartwatch, PDA, Tablet, Others
Platforms Covered Android, iOS, Others
Business Models Covered Freemium, Paid, Free, Paymium
Regions Covered Northern Vietnam, Central Vietnam, Southern Vietnam
Customization Scope 10% Free Customization
Report Price and Purchase Option Single User License: US$ 3699
Five User License: US$ 4699
Corporate License: US$ 5699
Post-Sale Analyst Support 10-12 Weeks
Delivery Format PDF and Excel through Email (We can also provide the editable version of the report in PPT/Word format on special request)

Key Questions Answered in This Report:

  • How has the Vietnam mobile gaming market performed so far, and how will it perform in the coming years?
  • What has been the impact of COVID-19 on the Vietnam mobile gaming market?
  • What is the breakup of the Vietnam mobile gaming market on the basis of type?
  • What is the breakup of the Vietnam mobile gaming market on the basis of device type?
  • What are the various stages in the value chain of the Vietnam mobile gaming market?
  • What are the key driving factors and challenges in the Vietnam mobile gaming market?
  • What is the structure of the Vietnam mobile gaming market, and who are the key players?
  • What is the degree of competition in the Vietnam mobile gaming market?

Key Benefits for Stakeholders:

  • IMARC’s industry report offers a comprehensive quantitative analysis of various market segments, historical and current market trends, market forecasts, and dynamics of the Vietnam mobile gaming market from 2018-2032.
  • The research report provides the latest information on the market drivers, challenges, and opportunities in the Vietnam mobile gaming market.
  • Porter's five forces analysis assists stakeholders in assessing the impact of new entrants, competitive rivalry, supplier power, buyer power, and the threat of substitution. It helps stakeholders to analyze the level of competition within the Vietnam mobile gaming industry and its attractiveness.
  • The competitive landscape allows stakeholders to understand their competitive environment and provides an insight into the current positions of key players in the market.

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Vietnam Mobile Gaming Market Report by Type (Action or Adventure, Casino, Sports and Role Playing, Strategy and Brain), Device Type (Smartphone, Smartwatch, PDA, Tablet, and Others), Platform (Android, iOS, and Others), Business Model (Freemium, Paid, Free, Paymium), and Region 2024-2032
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